Warming Centers - How do I make sure people at these locations are included in the PIT? People who are not experiencing homelessness might be there due to having no source of heat in their home. Only those who meet HUD's definition of homeless should be included in the PIT count. This means you can't survey/count everyone at a warming center; you need to identify and survey only those who are considered to be literally homeless. Youth Addendum - When do I need to do this in addition to the Standard PIT Survey? Both a Standard PIT Survey and Youth Addendum Survey should be completed for anyone under the age of 25, unless they are being counted in a household with their parent or legal guardian. For more clarification please see "Youth Addendum Surveys 101". Hotels/Motels - Which hotels/motels are already being included in the PIT? TBD - Please check back later! If you would like more clarification or have other questions, please use the comments section below and we will respond as soon as we can. Thank you!